If in the joints, unbearable pain, in the us at this Moment, doesn't matter, as the disease it causes is called. What is Arthritis and osteoarthritis is not well known. Joint problems affect one in ten people on earth, regardless of age and life style. One can note that today it is a question of global character. Therefore, it is very important to understand hot topic to finally find out for yourself, what is osteoarthritis, how it happens and what are the possibilities of modern medicine for the treatment of this serious disease.
Arthritis and osteoarthritis – a disease?

The first part of the name, the defining diseases of the joints, and sounds exactly the same. The title is misleading the sound of a leader many people who think that this is one and the same disease. In reality, the difference between them is large enough.
Osteoarthritis of the joints – what is it? The So-called age-related disease characterized by gradual deformation of the cartilage plates. To interfere with the most common osteoarthritis begins people after 45 years. In a higher age the probability of a disease of the arthrosis of the joints is increased to 50 %.
Arthritis, on the contrary, occurs in young people up to forty years. In both cases, age limits, exceptions are based on a variety of objective circumstances. For example, early osteoarthritis may occur, a professional athlete or a result of serious injuries and fractures. Arthritis can be for the first time, sick and already in a fairly high age (after 60 years), if the Person is the complications after severe colds, the flu, or stress situation.
What is the nature of the disease
What is osteoarthritis? This is a chronic disease with periodic exacerbations, only harms the movable articulation of the bony. King's meadow, the hip, the ankle, and also it affects mostly occurs on the fingers and toes.
Arthritis is also characterized by an inflammatory process in connection with the entire organism of the people. Behind joint pain a large number of other processes that may be hiding which is not so easy to recognize immediately. The cause of the inflammation can be infectious diseases, the instability of the immune system, metabolic disorders. Arthritis, with the exception of the joints, can have a negative impact on the condition of the heart, the kidneys, the liver.
From here is a better understanding of what Arthritis is, what their differences and similarities. Same Symptom for both diseases, is considered to be an inflammation of the cartilage ligaments. But there are a number of characteristic properties with which doctors target the correct diagnosis is made.
Symptoms of osteoarthritis
The most important feature of the disease is of course pain. Particularly striking are at movement or physical exertion. What 1 degree is osteoarthritis? This is the first stage of the disease, when the pain can be pronounced, wear weak, so that the people humiliates quickly to their presence and to notice. What is 2 degree is osteoarthritis? This is the next Phase of the disease, when the pain alarm start even at low additional loads. And with the further development of the disease the pain of not listening to once in a state of rest. Short can get rid of, only by a more comfortable Position.
At each stage of the osteoarthritis, inevitably, a restriction of movement in the affected joint. Another Symptom of osteoarthritis is considered to be the crunch in the joints. Actually, regular pohrustyvanie happens in all people, and it sounds like a light crackle. Crunch happens a lot more often, and the sound of it is reminiscent of the coarse clicks. The cause of the Symptom is an increased friction of the bone due to destruction of the cartilaginous connection.
The appearance of the diseased joints is undergoing significant changes, which may be long not visible from the outside. No outward signs of Deformation, due to the fact that arthritis is not observed with swelling, redness, muscle tissue, or nodular appearances.
The causes of osteoarthritis of the knee
Pain in the knees torments many people who to for help to the doctors. Cause of the pain can be different, including cartilage loss bends. What is osteoarthritis of the knee joint (or knee) is? These negative changes in the coverage of the cartilage and joint articulation, which initially lead to a loss of elasticity, and the elasticity of the connective tissue, and in the future, and to their gradual destruction.
Wear and tear of the cartilage brings not only a deformation, but also a complete overhaul of the bone tissue. As a result of the changes to the ends of the bone, osteophytes appear (Spikes), which reinforce the pain and the movement of the people greatly reduced.
So, Osteoarthritis Of The Knee. What is the most a women after forty years, the overweight or suffer from varicose veins. The disease is not a long time to be noticeable. Smaller symptoms are characterized by mild pain and little discomfort after a long walk, physical exertion, sudden rises from the chair. The initial phase of the disease can last from several months to several years.

What do deforming arthrosis is? This is the next inevitable step of a progressive disease. It leads to irreversible consequences, which disrupt completely the function and structure of the cartilage of the joint. On the stage of development of osteoarthritis of the knee pain deformed to occur more frequently, last longer, and movement often accompanied by a crunch of joints. Visible deformation, and the joint cavity with fluid is filled. The third stage differs from that of constant pain, prior to increasing climatic changes. Poor flexion and extension of the king's meadow homeopath and the change of pace and Deformation of the joints to the curvature of the legs.
What is osteoarthritis of the knee joint and what are the reasons for its emergence are? The disease has two forms due to:
- The primary cause is a congenital cause of the joint is. The first symptoms show themselves predominantly in childhood, when the rapid growth of the organism leads to the incorrect formation of ligaments.
- Secondary – the result of complications to injuries, sprains, deep bruises, or some diseases.
In the case of the second Form of pathology is very important for a timely treatment of the inflammatory process is, first, that he has developed osteoarthritis in the knee joint.
As for the treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee
To heal almost completely, the disease can only be in an early stage, if it is possible to get rid of the underlying cause of osteoarthritis (such as obesity). In other cases, a conservative treatment is permissible only to a stable Remission: the Minimum of the presence, or the long absence of pathological features. To this end, prescribed medication, manual therapy, Massage, physiotherapy, exercise therapy.
As a result of the measures implemented significantly or for too long, the pain will reduce the inflammation of the joint disappears. In addition, it improves blood supply to the affected area and is done in part of tissue repair of cartilage. The good result balneotherapy is also on a regular basis.
In the advanced stage of osteoarthritis of the knee prosthetics appointed. Thanks to the artificial joint has reached the full restoration of motor functions can be.
If an arthrosis of the ankle joint
If you wear uncomfortable shoes or high heels, it increases the risk to plug in the leg. A small injury can seem insignificant, but because you will soon forget about her. But in reality, at each rotation, the Trauma to the muscles and ligaments, which later felt the development of unpleasant diseases make comes.
What is osteoarthritis of the ankle and what other circumstances is a prerequisite for its development? Other than injuries, the influences on the occurrence of the disease, the existing osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernia, intra-articular fractures, dysplasia, and other factors, provoked by the impingement of the nerve roots in the lumbar spine. This leads to disruption of the working of the muscles of the ankle joint. What is osteoarthritis of the foot, very soon, the people in which it regular physical stress on the feet in the power of the professional features: Mover, Ballerina, dancer, football player, runner, weight lifter. understand In high-risk groups of overweight people are.
Of the permanent loads on the articular cartilage faster, wear thin and lose their elasticity. Very soon in them, small cracks, which accumulate calcium salts develop that even more destroys the connective tissue. If not for the treatment of diseases in the initial phase, then the bone density, inevitably, the thorns appear. In this case, you can say with certainty Osteoarthritis osteoarthritis, to heal the impossible.
What is osteoarthritis of the foot and how to recognize the approach of the disease? You must listen to your body and pay attention to the following symptoms:
- the Couch and makes the first step, you will immediately feel pain and discomfort in the joints of the foot;
- the pain increases with the increase in physical stress;
- a loud crunch and crackle to go in the joints, the limitations and rigidity;
- when walking on flat terrain, they are often harmful for the feet.
At the first sign of the beginning of osteoarthritis, not to rush you to the doctor to start the disease and prevent the irreversible consequences.
The methodology used in the therapy of osteoarthritis of the foot

The result of the treatment is directly dependent on the stage of the disease. The first degree of osteoarthritis includes conservative ways: medication, exercise therapy, physiotherapy. Full of people recommended the slimming. As a result, you can get rid of it permanently, the pain, relieve the inflammatory process.
Very important in this Phase of the treatment, the application of Bio-stimulants, the blood circulation in the body. Additional method of the positive effects of the treatment, the a long and lasting effect.
The decision on the surgical procedure, the doctor may take only upon the occurrence of a third, the severity of the osteoarthritis. In this case, there are a few possibilities:
- arthroplasty – the replacement of the destroyed joint implant (at the end of all of the functions of the foot);
- Arthrodesis removal of the cartilage and the forced connection of the bone ends (as a result of the foot to lose flexibility);
- Arthroplasty – recovery of damaged connections (recommended for small joints).
You should always keep in mind that osteoarthritis is developing almost everyone. The older he gets, the higher the likelihood of getting a serious disease. Therefore, it is very important with a young age have an increased attention to take your health and preventive measures to prevent diseases. Here are the most important factors are to avoid osteoarthritis:
- complete and balanced nutrition;
- no bad habits;
- moderate physical activity and maintaining a normal weight;
- compliance with the rules, possible injuries, excessive physical stress (professional or athletic);
- a regular Sick doctor;
- the application of a special complex medium.